as it is, a collection of over a hundred separate short works without a truly
unifying story or theme, the Book of Psalms presents a challenge in how to
write about it. But for the sake of thoroughness, I don’t want to leave it out.
My first idea was to list each psalm along with a one- or two-sentence summary
of the central thought it embodies. But there are about a hundred and fifty of
them, so that started to become tedious pretty darn quick. Also, it gets
repetitive and vacuous just as quickly, because there really are only a very
few themes encompassed within that mass of poetry. These are (in no particular
God’s ass (almost every psalm combines this with one or more other themes)
people with other religions or no religion
God for protection from and/or assaults against opponents
about how righteous the author is
enough) asking God for evidence that he exists and/or gives a fuck.
being the case, there’s not much I can do beyond recommending that you read
them for yourselves. At least to the degree you can stand it. Whatever else you
may want to say about the author and his motivations, he is a poet and there is
some impressive use of words and imagery in the psalms. I’ll just warn you that
there’s only so much that clever language and imagery can do in the face of a
hundred and fifty works all pounding the same limited set of themes. It gets
really, really tedious and starts to blur together into a mass of repeated
phrases and praises, cursing and whining. In the meantime, I’m going to just
touch on a few things that stuck out to me along the way, and in the next post
we’ll move on to the Book of Proverbs.
And the
first thing that sticks out is the second half of the Second Psalm.
“Psalms 2:7 I will tell of the decree: Yahweh said to me, ‘You are
my Son; today I have begotten you. 8
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth
your possession. 9 You shall break
them with a rod of iron and dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ 10 Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be
warned, O rulers of the earth. 11
Serve Yahweh with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for
his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.”
author, theoretically King David, is declaring himself to be the Son of God, and demanding obeisance from all
other kings on threat of divine punishment. Christians will sometimes ascribe a
double meaning to this psalm, as if it refers to Jesus as well, but there’s no
real reason within the psalm to believe that. It’s pretty explicitly the author
that’s being talked about.
down the line…
“Psalms 14:1 The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are
corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good.”
apologists love to quote this verse when arguing with atheists, because it lets
them insult their opponents while pretending they’re making a scriptural
argument. But really, this is just a poetic way of saying “atheists are
poopyheads!” Which is not the level of intellectual discourse one might expect
from the supreme intelligence behind the creation of the universe.
Interestingly, this also suggests that even back in David’s day there were
people who didn’t buy into the god BS, and they were significant enough that
ol’ Davey-boy felt the need to throw out some anti-atheist propaganda.
But in
case you miss it the first time (or in the more likely event that you just
skipped over it out of tedium), Psalms is glad to repeat the message in Psalm
53. In fact, the first half of Psalm 53 is almost word-for-word identical to
Psalm 14. I guess inspiration was running dry.
fuck… I can’t take it anymore. It’s been more than a month now since my last
post, because I just can’t force my way through this mass of poetic nonsense. I’m
only a third of the way through it, I’ve stopped reading every word, and I’m
just skimming at this point, and even so the tedium is wearing me down. It’s
just verse after verse after verse of the same stuff. “Please, God, help fuck
up my evil enemies who don’t believe in you even though your backside is the
greatest fucking thing I’ve ever applied my lips to.” I’m thinking the only
reason Christians think the Psalms are inspirational is because they’ve never
had to sit down and read them all. Maybe individually they work, but as a
single body they’re tedious as all hell.
sorry. I really wanted to get through this. But it’s just so… damn...
mind-numbing! There’s so little that says anything interesting or novel, and I
can’t torture myself with it anymore. My recommendation: if you’re interested
in the Psalms, just flip the book open to a random location and read a bit,
then put it down. Any spot is pretty much the same as any other. So you’ll have
the gist pretty quick, and perhaps taking it in small doses will preserve your
appreciation for the poetry. Just please, for the love of your sanity, do not
try to plow through it from beginning to end.
later I’ll come back and see if I can work up some enthusiasm for it in smaller
chunks. Perhaps I’ll do some mini-posts on single Psalms to mix in with later
posts. Actually, here’s something that might be fun: if anyone reads this and
wants to suggest a Psalm to get some commentary, I would be glad to take a shot
at it. But for now, I’m done with this book. Next up: Proverbs!